Why Are Second-Hand Curtains Popular?

Why are second-hand curtains so popular?featured image
One of our clients, a Consultant psychiatrist who divides her time between New York and Budapest, bought a long fabulous pair of french silk damask curtains and had them sent to Hungary, split into two and now hanging in a smart apartment in a fashionable area of Budapest

Just why are Fabulous Second-Hand Curtains so popular?

This Divinely Vintage Second-Hand Curtains Guide provides the answer to this question. We waste so much in this world and fabulous second-hand curtains regularly get 'dumped' into landfill. Great looking second-hand curtains are a fabulous inexpensive way to transform a room without spending huge sums of money. They do not deserve to be thrown away but re-used by someone who will love them in a new setting. This is also why we set up the Divinely Vintage WhatsApp group, see below.

We have clients who contact us and tell us that they just canā€™t bring themselves to throw them in a skip! Fortunately, such is the power of modern search engines that searching for ā€˜fabulous second-hand curtainsā€™ will usually find us quite easily.

We especially love really long curtains as many of our clients live in old (draughty) country houses. They just want large extra long heavy interlined second-hand curtains to keep warm and we have a page specially for people like them!

World-wide appeal of Second-Hand Curtains

We sell curtains all over the world and I think the only major continent we have not yet sent curtains to is South America. This year alone curtains have gone to Beverley Hills in the USA, Spain, France, Germany and Australia among others.Ā 

Many of our customers love knowing the back story of their new curtains and some of these stories are fascinating. One of our personal all-time favourites were the four antique silk panels ransacked from a palace during the latter stages of the Spanish Civil War. You can read about this great story dating back to the Spanish Civil War on our sister website here.Ā 

Another favourite story involved the three immensely long pairs of silk second-hand curtains that we collected from Grosvenor Square in London. They ended up being sold to a lovely lady who lives in a moated castle in Southern Holland!Ā 

So how do we help?

So if you have interesting full-length curtains in a condition that we can sell we will take them and find them a new home. They do not have to be perfect! We don't mind (some) sun fading on the linings or frayed silk. If they have seen better days don't worry.

We will call them ā€˜shabby chicā€™ or 'country house' curtains and find them a home. We even have a category in our online shop especially for Country House / Vintage Second-hand Curtains.Ā  Just send us pictures first so we can be sure we can sell them for you. You can find how all this works by reading our section on the Selling Process.

We love what we do and we are saving our ā€˜stockā€™ from ending in landfill which would be a desecration.Ā  The life of your curtains can be extended by many years.

The Divinely Vintage WhatsApp Group

Stock on our website changes all the time and all depend on clients sending us details of curtains they want to sell. When you visit us for the first time looking for fabulous second-hand curtains you may not find what you're looking for. That is why we set up the now very popular and successful Divinely Vintage WahtsApp Group. Members of this group get the first notification of all new stock going into the website.

We love all our second-hand curtains and it doesn't matter wherever you live in the world. Thanks for getting this far and we hope to see you soon and you can always reach us via our Contact UsĀ page. xx